We're officially packed and ready to hit the road! Our house no longer looks like a hurricane hit it, and the Prius is actually incredibly organized. Everything fit. We should even have some extra room once we eat up all of our cookies and other random snacks. Of course that will just make room for more snacks!
We're off to find Horatio's grave in Burlington. We have to pay homage to the first man to drive a car across the country in 1903. Hopefully the roads we're on will be a little better than what he was dealing with. And he went so slowly he probably could have been pulled over by a state trooper riding a turtle!
And here we are with the Prius all packed (thank you Gina!!)
Let the fun begin!
On the road again! I'll take good care of all the aminals! Have fun, drive safe. You are responsible for many critters in that Prius.