Today's three hours of driving seemed like a breeze after all the time in the car over the past four days. We left Valentine and headed up to
Badlands National Park in South Dakota. We stopped at a few lookouts in the park and admired the strange eroding sandstone pillars while slowly making our way to the KOA campground in Interior (no really - that's the name of the town), South Dakota. Since there was a good chance of severe thunderstorms tonight we reserved a camping cabin for the night:

We cooked dinner on the porch while it rained and decided that we'd head back to the park for the end of the day since there was some blue sky to our west. The rain was fierce but let up quickly. We went to a few of the same outcroppings as before to find the shadows made the badlands even more beautiful.

We'll be spending tomorrow seeing the rest of the park that we didn't get to see today. Off to bed - we're two hours ahead now so it feels much later than it actually is!
What a beautiful picture of the Badlands!