Tuesday, July 17, 2012


One of the best things about a road trip in the Adirondacks is the short driving time between destinations. We may have quite a record to beat with our four mile trip from Schroon Lake to Paradox Lake! Our destination was the state campground which was located on a peninsula that separates the two larger parts of the lake.

The lake is named Paradox because when water becomes high, the flow of the river actually reverses direction.

On the first day we paddled the shoreline of the lake which included many different geologic curiosities - including this:

We paddled through the narrows and down the Schroon river until we ran into the construction of a new dam. The fish in the river seemed plentiful and a friendly camp owner on the river told us that the dam would include a fish ladder.

Returning to our campsite, we had spaghetti and pesto and went to bed early. When we awoke, it was hot and humid but we decided to hike Peaked Hill anyway.

Tom had fond memories of the view from the top. We huffed and sweated on a fairly easy trail due to the humidity and found that softwoods had grown in since he was last there thirty years ago.

There are thunderstorms in the forecast so we have an excuse to jam in Wadhams - huzzah!

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