Sunday, August 5, 2012

Big Moose

Leaving North Lake first thing in the morning, we headed to Old Forge for breakfast at Keyes Pancake House. The flapjacks were a solid job of work and bursting with blueberries! Holding our sides, we then drove to Big Moose Lake, just north of Eagle Bay. For a lake with very little public land, we were surprised by the interesting shoreline, bays and outlets that we could explore with our kayaks. We also thought that it seemed quaint that each dock had a mailbox for boat delivery.

For the evening, we were back in Wadhams for our last rehearsal and a great nights sleep. In the morning we intended to head back to the high peaks but were forced to wait due to high humidity and a chance of thunderstorms. Instead, we headed east to Split Rock Mountain to try some of the hiking trails. We enjoyed the trail to the Snake Den Harbor overlook but headed back to the car when the mosquitoes started buzzing.

In the afternoon, we went to the Westport boat launch for lunch intending to get on Lake Champlain for the muggy afternoon. We launched the kayaks and realized that we could paddle to Snake Den Harbor, where we had just been hiking!

We followed some of the nicest shoreline that Lake Champlain has to offer including barn rock and the palisades. We turned around at Lewis Clearing Bay and saw a bald eagle land in a tree just over our heads! We paddled back to Westport and bought the biggest steak I've ever seen and grilled it up in Wadhams for dinner.

On Saturday, the Wadhams Waddlers had a gig at Essex Day in Essex, New York. We played and joked around for about an hour and then needed ice cream due to the heat! We had a blast playing old-time music for the crowd in Essex. We even headed to the orchard afterwards and played some music with Sue, our new neighbor there.

We'll be home for a day and then it'll be back in the 'dacks!

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